'Death Metal' Rocks Baghdad Again

January 10, 2009

Tim Albone of The National newspaper reports: In the chaos of Baghdad there is no better soundtrack than death metal. Its fast-tempo riffs, growling lyrics and blast-beat drumming perfectly encapsulate the mood of the capital. It is a city of horror. It is the city death metal was made for.

The landscape is post-apocalyptic, the tales of savagery never-ending. The bombs, murders and sectarian violence that have wrecked this country provide endless material for lyrics, but for DOG FACED CORPSE, Baghdad's only death metal band, surviving to tell the world the horrors of this country is the challenge.

"We are the first and only death metal band in Iraq. There is heavy metal, but we are death," said Lateef Ahmad, the 22-year-old drummer and founder of DOG FACED CORPSE.

Read the entire report from The National.

Video footage of DOG FACED CORPSE performing a cover of DEATH's "The Philosopher" in Baghdad, Iraq can be viewed below.

DOG FACED CORPSE featured on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show":

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